Am I Finished
Today marked the end of my first semester of graduate school. Contrary to all initial expectations, it didn't feel particularly noteworthy or landmarkish; there was no immediate desire to drop a post on Facebook, head to the beach (that I haven't been to in weeks), workout, watch television, have a beer, or actually go out and be social again. Nope, I took a nap. A two hour nap in fact. Cuddled up with my dog. All I wanted to do was sleep. Graduate school has been nothing short of a continuous series of unforeseen struggle and frustration. I've had numerous friends complete grad-school over the last several years (MBAs, MSWs, DVMs, etc.)...and they all seemed to enjoy the process. For the past seven years I've talked regularly about wanting to be back in school and missing the art of being a student, and the privilege of learning. When I got accepted earlier this year, I was ecstatic. I knew going back to school would be a transition, and have it's fair sha...