
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Misconceptions of Blackfish

About two months ago, CNN ran the documentary 'Blackfish' about a dozen times - the project ignited an explosion of responses, both thoughtful and emotionally charged. If you haven't seen it, here is the trailer (and I do recommend it; CNN will be airing in again beginning this month): In the time since, Sea World has retorted with a video series depicting how deeply they care for their animals, ex-trainers have spoken out against both Blackfish and Sea World, musicians have cancelled performances, and people across the world have blown-up social media with a vast array of comments that have ranged from profound to downright enraged. So I decided to dive-head first into the discussion that has catapulted the killer whales of the world into the spotlight. I am no Blackfish or Sea World expert, but I have spent the majority of my life studying killer whales; and while I have a undergraduate degree in animal science and behavior, I also, more importantly, have a basic und...