The Always Say Never Life.
I am September baby, and definitely like a summer storm. Rumbling around, always making a lot of noise and fuss just to get where I'm going. Most of the ruckus can be attributed to my always say never lifestyle. I am the quintessential picture of resistance . I am the epitome of extremes . I am, most assuredly, the queen of ‘ never .’ This is not something that I am necessarily proud of, but it is the reality of how I have a tendency to respond in life. Call it immaturity, insecurity, or whatever you will...but I like to say 'never,' a lot. And with that, I am quite certain there is some truth in the old adage, “if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans (or refusals, if you will).” I'm not sure that God actually laughed at me, but I'm pretty sure He got a good giggle out of my obstinate decrees that He already knew would never last.. I would never live up North; I would never move back to Southern California; I would never ...