so i had an epiphany yesterday during my drive to the south of california while enduring a commen rebellious mental mechanincal hankering.

while enviously hashing out my irritation that i should be the owner of a tricked-out vehicle for fully deserved adventures...i mean, i work hard. i pay my bills. i work harder. and pay more bills. why shouldn't i have a wicked tricked out truck to tow all my invisible toys, which will one day most definately materialize, and quite frankly just go wild in?! i want it. i deserve it. it seems not fair. that i, am stuck in some 4-cylinder pace car is an absolutle atrocity.

but then it happened. almost in the blink of an eye. like a magnificent revelation.

i actually kinda like my car. i mean, quite frankly, in an abstract sense, it's the only inatimate object that i could truthfully call my best friend. in the three years we've been together, as of this upcoming monday, we've enduredover 65,000 miles together...coasts, mountains, valleys, asphalt, dirt, rock, and water. as strange as it sounds, it's like we know each from the inside out...

he may not have 8 cylinders, or 6 for that matter, he may not be lifted, he may not exceptional speed or horsepower, and he may be small....
he puts up with me wholly and completely. he has protected me and brought me safely to every destination we've ever trekked to. he never complains that i drive too hard, or too fast. he was understanding of all three fender benders, and the shattered window, and the white picket fence. and he is understanding of all the bugs, trash, and hair that usually covers the exterior and interior. he is patient and understanding of my adventuresk side...willing to go head to head with any bigger or badder vehicle that would begin to belittle us due to the 'car-like' stature.

i guess, quite easily put. i love my car. and while i've never been one to personify unhuman things, or name them, i feel as those he is quite deserving of such a committed relationship. for this, i will, from this point forward, refer to him as 'COMPADRE' most 'motorful' friend.


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