Dads Of Daughters.
Fathers are so incredibly important to the development, spirit, and heart of their daughter(s). This is not to say that fathers are not as important to sons, or that fathers with only sons should be celebrated any less. Rather, as a woman, I wanted to share the substantial effects that a father has on his daughter's life.
Beyond the ideas of daddy's little girl or his precious princess...there is something so much more, so much deeper, so much more powerful that lies in the relationship that a father builds with his daughter.
I am certain that libraries could be filled, and undoubtedly are, with books on what a father instills in his children; for me, I think there are five essentials that fathers have the unique privilege of pouring into their daughter's life:
Security - a little girl should feel secure in the arms of her father; it is a safe place in which she feels protected from the hurts of the world and supported when the world hurts. With time, that security begins to lend itself to her own self-security. She knows the strength that lies behind her, and within her.
Value - a father's unconditional love, consistent presence, and relentless patience teaches his daughter that she is important. She need not look for her value in other people, relationships, jobs, or material things, because she already knows she is valuable, just as she is. There is no need to search for her value, rather, she is free to offer her value within relationships, work, and life.
Brains - society tells girls they are second-rate, but a father tells his daughter, teaches his daughter, and pushes his daughter to the highest of her potential. When the world tells her she cannot, because she is a she, her father has prepared her to take on the world, knowing she is capable...of anything she puts her mind to.
Beauty - a girl who hears from a young age that she is beautiful has no need to chase after the affections of others; she is confident in the essence that is both internal and external, the radiating beauty that makes her unique, no matter the clothes she wears, the cosmetics she puts on, or the poses she makes.
Purpose - every little girl has purpose on the planet, but far too many spend most of their lives trying to find it things outside of themselves; a father has the ability to support, encourage, and believe in his daughter, which allows her to find meaning in anything and everything. Her passion is her purpose, no matter what it is, and her greatness, in whatever she is doing, is her gift to the world...boldly, freely, and purposefully.
Being a father to a daughter may be tough, scary, and maybe a little confusing, but so important. In case you are still wondering what little girls need, her are but a few things...
Tell her she's beautiful.
Tell her she's smart.
Tell her you love her.
Dance with her.
Take her fishing; without griping.
Teach her how to play catch.
Cheer for her.
Read to her.
Paint her nails; and let her paint yours.
Hold her hand.
Take her on a date.
BBQ with her.
Sing to her.
Watch her favorite movie with her.
Watch sports with her.
Turn the TV off and play with her.
Teach her how to swim.
Be patient with her.
Hold her when she cries.
Tell her when you make a mistake.
Teach her how to apologize.
Laugh with her.
Tell her she can be whatever she wants.
Believe that she can be whatever she wants.
Encourage her.
Help her with her homework.
Come up with a secret handshake.
Teach her how to ride a bike.
Go on a bike ride with her.
Give her lots of hugs.
Tell her she's important; to you, and to the world.
Listen to her.
Talk to her.
Show her how to be kind, respectful, and hard-working.
Teach her that she deserves someone who is kind, respectful, and hard-working.
Involve her.
Make sacrifices for her, even little ones.
Make her smile more than you make her cry.
Love her; every, single day, and make sure she knows it.
Dads with daughters, you are more important than you will ever know. Your little girl is growing-up, and you get to set the foundation in which she will walk into the world as a smart, beautiful, and secure woman who knows she is valued and has infinite purpose. May you rise to the occasion.
We Got Spirit