Thank You a Million Latte Lifeguards...

Did you know that you can't even sing the alphabet in 15 seconds...but this is what we were given to offer our personalized thanks at commencement. And while it's more than many other graduates get in their respective programs, let's just be real, commercials are longer than that...

Because the reality is, despite what Professor Bittmann said would fit in this time frame, there's far more that I need to say than could have been condensed into a quarter of a minute. There has been so much that has gone into the last two years of school, and all the years leading up to it, that need to be honored, recognized, and celebrated...and given such, I'm going to take all the time I need-cue the exit music or close the page if you must-to get it right.
...for all the awe-inspiring moments.

To my cohort, my colleagues, my classmates, my friends, this is first and foremost for you...

Two women from the 3-year cohort got awards yesterday honoring their work in academia and in the field, and I wish, instead, it would have been each of you. Not that they weren't rightful recipients, but more so that none of you were undeserving. Over the past two years, I witnessed each of your as overcomers; as mothers and fathers being stretched, in relationships that were tested, loved ones were lost, family members were hospitalized, internships were a disaster, professors were crazy (don't even get my started on Casey--Brandy, I don't want to hear about the A's), workloads were unbearable at times, budgets and finances were catastrophic, and there simply never seemed to be enough time. But yet, day after day, you rose; you showed up (even if late), you engaged (or tried to keep your eyes open), and you gave your all (passionate BS and the real stuff). To me, that's pretty damn heroic, and absolutely inspiring. And there is no plaque, certificate, pin, medal, or award that can fully encapsulate how amazing each of you are.
On numerous occasaions I was ready, fully ready, to drop out of school. In the moments when I was done, you were there. You pushed me, you encouraged me, you challegned me, and you grounded held me up, made me laugh, and helped me cry, when I was unable to do so myself. If for nothing else, I am immensely gratful for this, that you never let me walk away; but instead, you gave me so much more to be thankful for:

(*)I am thankful for a program in which we all know each other by name, as well as by pet peeves and phobias which were used accordingly.
(*)I am thankful for breakfasts (despite the fact I never got pumpkin pancakes), coffee runs (lateness is on all of you now), and beer breaks (yeah for campus bars).
(*)I am thankful for people who weren't afraid to speak their mind, and listen too.
(*)I am thankful that we made it through without injuring each other or any professors (you know who....).
(*)I am thankful for CRT (obviously).
(*)I am thankful for all the moments that I cannot remember, but will most assuredly, will never forget.
(*)I am thankful for 460 painfully amazing days with the most incredible group of wanna-be-social workers ever (now wanna-be-licensed social workers).

I'm about to drop a massive cheese bomb--but I love you guys, and am truly so, so, so thankful for each of you! THANK YOU, for all of the above and then some.


To everyone else...

My family...I probably don't say it nearly enough, but I am so thankful for all the little things you do. In my moments of greatest need, you are always there to support and provide safe-haven. Thank you for your continued encouragement and love showered over this lifetime. always have my heart. And you always offer yours. I miss you all so much, my heart literally aches at times. Your notes, cards, texts, and faces fill me with unspeakable joy. You always believed in me...even when I never believed in myself. Across all the miles, I still feel the steadfastness of your prayers, your hope, and your deep-rooted love. I am eternally grateful -- THANK YOU.

My co-workers (at LEAPS)...not just because of the amazing graduation cap filled with chocolate I brought home, but because of all the crazy joy and shenanigans you fill my life with. I have learned so much from each one of you...there are days I want to scream, but then someone gives me a squeeze, or a full body hug, or a platter or deliciousness, or calls me friend, and I am wooed back to 'Happy-Town' (deuces 'Yucky-Town'). I love the parties, the struggle (you know the days), and all the amazing things we've endured, accomplished, and endeavored together -- THANK YOU .

SO-CAL...I vowed to never move back to this side of the state, ever; I have made my disdain for Los Angeles (and it's assorted teams and schools) candidly clear. And yet, you have still embraced me...maybe in an effort to strangle me, who knows, but I have been truly blessed by so many friendships here. I appreciate your tenacity in putting up with me, and filling my life with wealth I never thought possible this far south -- THANK YOU .

The faces that inspire me...from the women at Harvest Home, the mothers and fathers at SCH, the survivors at WEAVE, and the warriors at Strategies, this part of my journey was largely because of each of you. I don't remember all the names, but I remember every face...the most inspiring people I have met in my life. These were the men, women, and children who showed me that beauty really does rise from the ashes, and that nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible. I carry a piece of each of you with me; for all you taught me, for all you shared with me, and for all you showed me -- THANK YOU .

My savior, my friend, my Jesus...I am nothing without you. Whether running, walking, or crawling, I will follow in your footsteps, and I will fight for love. You have held me together in my brokenness, you have carried me through the darkness, and with all your strength, you have wrapped me in your fierce love -- THANK YOU .


As always, if I could shower each of you with the lattes and lifeguards (or firefighters), as a material expression of my gratitude-I most certainly would...but this will just have to do for now.

Much love, and deepest thanks. <3


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