Home Is...
Los Angeles, from Mt. Hollywood "Where we love is home -- home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." I initially began penning this entry as an apology, then reformatted it as explanation, and ultimately restructured it as an open letter intended to share more of the heart of my decision to stay in Los Angeles, as honestly and confidently as possible. It was very much a bittersweet letter to write, and will likely be received the same by some; nonetheless, I hope that at its conclusion you are able to see a picture far greater than than simply my choice of location. --------------------------------------------- Exactly three years ago, I began a two month process of moving to Southern California, for reasons, to this day, I am still not entirely sure of. And while these last few years have been incredibly difficult, I am thankful that I made the move. Not that I miss Northern California any less, or suddenly love Los Angeles any more, but because it...